The Rules Page
We are the Co-Presidents of UWF.
You can contact us through
e-mail: Prez Chad
UWF Commish Kellen
ICQ number:
Prez Chad: 16963554
Commish Kellen: 24488960
AOL Instant Messenger:
Prez Chad: Cdub112
Commish Kellen: Pigglana
Here are the Rules of UWF, follow them and have fun:
Roleplaying is alot like real wrestling. When you watch and the characters speak in the ring, outside it, the locker room or any place you wish to set up the upcoming match you have or wish to have and most importantly to cause HEAT. To stay in this fed and be competitive you need to rp at least 2-3 times a week, preferably more. If you are unable please contact me and let me know ahead of time.
On the Rolplay Page there are four options
1) Read The Roleplays.
This selection will allow you to read others roleplays and your own.
2) Do A Roleplay
This selction allow to write in roleplay, remember to always put your name on the roleplay and you must have sent in an application and an ok from me to be able to start, which usually takes no less than 24 hours. Also never do an Out of Character Roleplay or Complain, the Roleplay Board or insult another persons typing or grammer, even though it does count, we are here to have fun not hurt others feelings. If you do, the necessary
measures will be taken. If there is a problem, take it up with me and I will take the problem and solve it. Also try to use Html in your roleplays, it adds life and improves your roleplaying. But, remember to have fun.
3) Do a Strat
A Strat is a strategy you would like to execute during the upcoming card. Always state your wrestlers name, the card it is for and what your character wishes to do. Not all strats are included. It is based on if it fits your character, the federation and your roleplays were good enough to receive a strategy.
4) Make a Challenge
Make a Challenge Board is reserved for challenges to other wrestlers you would like to face and if you wanna challenge your opponent to a special stipulation match (cage match, hell in the cell, barbwire match, fall count anywhere...). Keep your posts short and to the
Go to app page and fill out all the necessary information and send it to me. Dont make your characters to big or to supernatural, be realistic with. A will accept real wrestlers, but I prefer ones that you create yourself. That is the reason you are hear, to be wrestler.
Anyone can challenge for Title, but the Champion only has to accept a challenge from the number 1 contender at the next show. But I will sign matches if a champion refuses to accept a challenge for a bad reason and I and the Executives decide that. The World Champion must defend every 30 days, while the Americas and Tag Team Champions must defend every 2 weeks, TV and Nat'l must defend once a week (exceptions for TV and Nat'l will be oked by me) or the champion will be stripped of their title.
There will be two shows weekly...One will be held on Wednesday and the other on Sunday. There will also be One Pay Per View per month held on a date decided by the Executives, but there will be at least 2-3 weeks and most possible notice before.
Message Systems
Most of have either AOL IM, ICQ or both.
Please get one or I prefer both...click and the appropriate one and send me your information.
AOL Instant Messaging
ICQ Messaging System
Anyone can and will be fired at anytime for not meeting our standards. You will receive a maximum of 2 warning and then you will be let go.
UWF Prez Kellen
Apply Here
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