Tony Farina: Hello once again to Sunday Night Senseless Violence! We are here in San Jose, California at the Shark Tank home of the San Jose Sharks!
Bald Crumb: Tonight we have a couple of titles up for grabs. First we have the National title and then the Americas title.
Tony Farina: Without farther ado, lets get to the ring and the opening match tonight it is Messiah vs Sundan Madman.
Bald Crumb: Sundan Madman has made it to the ring waiting for Messiah to come to the ring.
Tony Farina: "The Messiah" by Bach plays and here comes Messiah he rolls under the bottom rope and we are under way. Messiah gets stomped on by Madman as he rolled under the ropes, Madman picks up Messiah and whips him into the ropes and nails him with a clothesline he drops an elbow to the throat and then locks on a headlock, Messiah stands up and pushes Madman off of him breaking the headlock he goes into the ropes and powerslams Madman the crowd appluds him but he ignores them. He grabs ahold of Madman and chokeslams him hard to the mat! He doesnt go for the cover instead he picks up Madman and does it again. He goes for the pin this pulls Madman off of the mat, he picks him up and goes for a powerbomb, he gets him up but Madman pounds away on Messiah's face knocking him to the mat. Madman runs the ropes and jumps in the air and nails Messiah with a huge splash he makes a barely got the shoulder up! Madman picks up the squashed Messiah and executes a neckbreaker he gets up and bounces off of the ropes dropping a leg acrossed the throat he makes an aroggant again by Messiah. Madman upset at what he thought was a slow count but he goes back to work on Messiah dropping a knee to the lower back of Messiah he slaps on a rear chinlock but quickly lets go he pulls Messiah to his feet and goes for The Death Drop he hooks him but Messiah hits Madman on his side and breaks the underhook, out of nowhere he hits The Messiah Bottom he rolls on top of!!
Tony Farina: What a good opening match-up this....
Bald Crumb: Hey look Tony some guy just slid into the ring and he just nailed Messiah with a inverted leg sweep, this kid looks straight out of a dockers commericial!
Tony Farina: Look at this Bald, he is tying up Messiah in the ropes he rolles to the outside and is looking for something, I see what he was looking for, a table he just threw it in the ring he also has a steel chair he brings that into the ring. He gets Messiah in his sights and BOOM! He just busted him open with that chair.
Bald Crumb: Well this kid aint done yet he has the table all set-up in the center of the ring, he puts Messiah up on the ropes and climbs up top as well. He just superplexed Messiah through the table!!!!
Tony Farina: Simply Amazing! I would suggest the executive commtiee signs whoever this guy is to a contract soon!
Bald Crumb: Just another rookie for the UWF, lets get back to the ring.
Tony Farina: Ok, next up we have Overlord vs Rave, "I am the Law" by Anthrax" is heard now I guess that means Rave is on his way to the ring first.
Bald Crumb: you guessed right, Rave is in the ring. Whoa, the lights just went out here in the Shark Tank!
Tony Farina: "November Rain" by Gun's N Roses plays and all kinds of red laser lights move above us as Overlord makes his way to the ring he steps between the ropes as the lights come on. The crowds cheers but Overlord attacks him from behind. The ref signals for the bell. Overlord takes rave into the corner. lefts and rights fly as Rave body takes the blows. The ref steps in and pushs Overlord out of the corner. Rave quick as a cat, jumbs up to the top, FLYING DROP KICK!!!! Overlord drops like bricks to the FLOOR!! Rave off the ropes, BIG SPLASH, NO, Overlord rolls out of the way. Overlord quickly up to his fight, and follows up with a big BodySlam!! Overlord, climbs to the second ropes, poses for the fans.... Boo's come his way. Overlord climbs down, and approaches Rave as he prepares his attack. RAVE OUT OF NOWHERE. SMALL PACKAGE!!! 1....2.... NO! Rave with a Spinning Heal Kick knocks Overord to the OUTSIDE!!!!!!! RAVE, SPRINGBOARD DROPKICK!!!!!! Rave to his feet first. A nice double Punch RoundHouse Kick! Overlord dazed, thrown back into the ring. Rave to the top, FLYING FORARM. Rave, off the ropes, CROSSBODY!!! NO, Overlord catches him, FALL AWAY SLAM!! Overlord picks him up, INVERTED ATOMIC DROP!!!! Overlord waits for Rave to get up, SAVATE KICK!!!!!! Rave knocked out. Overlord, goes to the outside. Looks under the ring, pulls out a plastic bag containing...... a cheese grader!?!??! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!!! OVERLORD WITH A PUNISHING BLOW OVER Rave's HEAD WITH THAT CHEESE GRADER!!! Oh My God!!! Rave is bleeding all over the place, Overlord is just rubbing it into the skull now. Overlord pulls the bloody Rave to the ropes, It's TIME FOR THE PATENTED "AWAKENING"!!! OVERLORD hooks the leg, 1.....2.....3..... *DING DING DING*
Tony Farina: What a wild one that was Overlord using the cheese grader was sick!
Bald Crumb: I loved it! A great new move by Overlord!
Tony Farina: You're sick Bald, sick, sick, sick! Anyways lets go back to the ring for the next match, we have Angel Reaper vs Venom.
Bald Crumb: Speaking off sick, Marylin Manson's Antichrist Superstar is now playing in the background I guess we are ready for the 3rd match tonight.
Tony Farina: Angel Reaper has just made his way to the ring he looks very well prepared. When the levee breaks by Led Zeppelin now is heard here comes Venom he runs to ringside and jumps into the ring he dives at Angel and nails him with a clothesline knocking him outside he grabs some of the cable around ringside and chokes away at Angel. He releases the choke and throws him into the steel railing the ref has his count up to four, Angel is thrown back into the ring now as Venom enters the ring he jumps on top of Angel and starts to choke him out the ref starts a five breaks the hold. Venom picks up Angel and drops him back down with a belly-to-belly suplex he makes a Venom picks up Angel again and plants him with a DDT. Venom throws Angel out of the ring he jumps over the top to the outside on top of Angel knocking both men into the steel railing they are both down as the ref starts his rolls in the ring..six...Hey Look Vertigo just made his way out, Angel is about to get in the ring and Vertigo just nailed him with a steel chair he falls back to the ground, the ref didnt see anything Venom had him distracted!!!! Venom wins by countout.
Bald Crumb: But look he isnt done yet he rolls back outside and picks up Angel Reaper and hits a pick-up ddt laying out Angel Reaper he looks out cold the ref is waving the paramedics down to the ring to help out poor Angel Reaper.
Tony Farina: Ok while the paramedics help him out lets take a look at what happened last Wednesday night to make the Dub vs Blood Angel match-up happen here tonight.
Camera shows a short video on Wednesday's happenings then they go back live to Tony and Bald.
Tony Farina: There you saw it fans the happening from last Wednesday's show. Next up we have Johnny The Eliminator vs Vertigo. Sandblasted by Pantera is now playing, here we go to the next match.
Bald Crumb: We keep the action coming here in the UWF. Vertigo is walking out from the back, WHAT THE HELL!!! It's that Man in Black again. HE STRIKES AGAIN. HE jumps over the rail and a lariat to the back!! Picks him up, DEATH MOVE!!!!! Here comes Johnny, he attacks the Black Man as he remember last week. The Black man comes back, with an atomic drop!!! Picks up Johnny and nails him with, DEATH MOVE!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!! The Black man runs through the crowd as officials and refs come out........
Tony Farina: I guess this match wont be happening tonight. The man in black strikes again. Well lets keep the show going lets get the next two guys out here. We have Kpac vs Lethal Weapon.
Bald Crumb: Well Lethal Weapon has already made his way down to the ring lets get Kpac in the ring now.
Tony Farina: The 007 theme of James Bond plays in the background as Kpac who is dressed in all black makes his way to the ring he jumps in the ring. This massive giant stares down with the man in black known as KPac. Lethal Wepon towers over KPac as they continue the staredown. The ref signals for the bell as KPac shoves Lethal Wepon. KPac off the ropes shoulder block. Doesn't do anything to Lethal Wepon. He screams at KPac for another shoulder block. KPac delivers. Lethal doesn't move an INCH!! KPac off the ropes again, slides under Lethal Wepons legs, and clips him to the back of the KNEE!! KPac follows with kicks to Lethal Wepons knee. KPac with a figurefour Leglock. Lethal Wepon reaches the ropes after a minute. KPac breaks the hold and picks up Lethal Wepon. INSTANT DEATH!!! Savate Kick to the Groin!!!! ANOTHER INSTANT DEATH!!!! Lethal Wepon drops like a brick wall!!! COVER 1...2....3..... *DING DING DING!!!* KPAC WINS!!
Bald Crumb: Kpac with a big win here in the UWF lets see if he can climb the ladder of success.
Tony Farina: He looks quite impressive tonight, but lets jump into yet another big match up, its a falls count anywhere battle between Smiling Jack and Alan Frost.
Bald Crumb: Lets see these guys get extreme and hardcore!!!
Tony Farina:I am now hearing that Jack and Frost found eachother in the back and are already brawling in the locker room we have a camera on scene now and here we go! Jack is choking Frost with the end of a broom stick and then goes to hit Frost over the head with it only to have Frost move out of the way. Frost kicks Jack in the stomach and grabs the broom and hits Jack over the back with it breaking the handle. Frost picks up Jack and nails a piledriver he makes a! Frost with a trash can, he just waffled Jack with it smashing up the trash can. Frost grabs ahold of Jack and throws him through a wall into a locker room he grabs a chair and hits Jack right over the head with it. He grabs a hockey stick and a breaks it acrossed the back of Jack's. Frost whips Jack into the door but it is reversed and Frost goes crashing through the door. Jack grabs another hockey stick and chokes down Frost with it. Jack lets go of the hockey stick and he pulls Frost to outside of the arena with him he hits him with some fist shots before suplexing him in the dirt! He goes for an elbow drop but Frost rolls out of the way he drags Jack into the street and goes for a powerbomb but out of nowhere a car drives up and Jeff Boyardee jumps out and beats down Alan Frost, Jack gets up and helps too, they put Frost on top of the car and Jack hits the Last Laff DDT on the car breaking the windsheild he makes a!!!*DING*DING*DING*
Bald Crumb: Smiling Jack picks up a huge win in his UWF debut, I have a feeling Alan Frost will have some revenge in store soon though.
Tony Farina: Ok are next match is Hamed vs X-Factor for the National Title. The Challenger X-Factor comes out as the crowd cheers upon X-Factors return. The National Champion HAMED Walks out to the capcity crowd. HAMED gives his National Title to the ref, as the ref shows it briefly to X-Factor and sends it to the timekeepers table. Hamed and X-Factor lock up in the center of the ring. X-Factor comes out with the advantage, and delivers an painful armbar!! X-Factor lets go, and chops HAMED at the back of his neck! HAMED suprized X-Factor with a wild HayMaker!!!! HAMED off the ropes, Flying Forarm!! HAMED picks up X-Factor and whips him hard to the corner. HAMED charging VADER ATTACK!!!! ROCKED X-Factor's world!! Hamed poses for the crowd as X-Factor get's a quick breather. X-Factor sneaks up behind, REVERSED DDT!!! X-Factor picks up HAMED, SIDE WALK SLAM!!! X-Factor follows up with his relentless attack with a devasting DROP KICK!!!! X-Factor doesn't let HAMED out of his sight, as HAMED recieves a NORTHERN LIGHTS SUPLEX!!! HAMED waits till X-Factor approaches him, LOW BLOW!!!!! JEEZ. X-Factor stumbles down to the ground!! HAMED laughs, as he picks up X-Factor, BIG BODY SLAM!!! COVER 1......2....... NO!!! HAMED off the ropes as X-Factor gets up.. SWINGING NECK BREAKER!!!!!! HAMED picks up X-Factor, kick to the midsection, attemps a PileDrive. Countered by X-Factor. NO, HAMED executes a SMALL PACKAGE. 1......2...... NO!!!! HAMED Picks up X-Factor, Single Arm DDT!! Cover 1...2... NO! HAMED follows up with a DEVASTING BACKBREAKER!!!! 1......2........3..... *DING DING DING*
Bald Crumb: Ouch looks like he will be heading to the hospital tonight! That musta hurt!
Tony Farina: A most interesting match that was, we are quickly running out of time so lets get into the next match. This next match is Sweet Tooth vs Hexum. Sweet Tooth comes out to the squared circle as "Boggy Woggy Woo" plays to the crowds delightment. Sweet Tooth waits for Hexum to come out as "Boggy Woggy Woo" fades. Hexum comes out runnining towards the ring. Hexum slides in and begins to wail at Sweet Tooth. Hexum with an irish whip... CROSSBODY! Cover 1....2.... NO! Hexum follows up with a HURRICANRANA!!!! Hexum with a snap suplex. Climbs to the top...... MISSLE DROP KICK!!!!! Sweet Tooth, needs to mount some sort of offense. Sweet Tooth swings wildly trying to comeback, Nobody Home. Sweet Tooth seem to have a cut above his eye. Hexum continues his attack with a devasting side Walk SLAM!!!! Hexum once again climbs to the top. FLYING HEADBUTT!!!!! HITS IT RIGHT ON THE MARK!!!!! Cover. 1...2... NO. Hexum picks up Sweet Tooth as he'd asked for more punishment. Hexum whips Sweet Tooth to the corner... Hexum sets Sweet Tooth on the top, Hexum climbs up with him..... SUPERPLEX!!!!!!! Hexum to his feet first..... off the ropes, Sweet Tooth get's up, FLYING BULLDOG!!! Cover, 1....2... NO! Hexum picks up Sweet Tooth as he's starting to get angry. ATOMIC DROP!!! OFF THE ROPES CLOSELINE!!!!!! COVER 1....2.... NO!!!! Hexum getting frustrated. Hexum sets Sweet Tooth up for a devasting Spinning Heal Kick!!! Hexum with a Victory Roll!!! 1............2.............. NO!!!! ANOTHER KICK OUT!!!! Huxum starts to have a talk with the ref as he'd expresses his thoughts with the ref's count. Sweet Tooth from behind spins Hexum around, CLOWN DROP!!!!!!! Sweet Tooth climbs the ropes and poses for the fans!!!! CARDINAL MISTAKE, Hexum hits Sweet Tooth in the back, he climbs to the top also..... SPINNING PILEDRIVER!!!!!!!!! HOLY!!!!! Cover. 1......2.....3!! *DING DING DING*
Bald Crumb: Wow!!! That was the most amazing move I have EVER seen!!!!!!
Tony Farina: Sweet Tooth may just have a broken neck after that move, Hexum moves on to get an Americas Title match-up.
Bald Crumb: Down to the finally two matches of the evening we have Mad Jungle Pig defending his title again Slash and Marcus Goldstein.
Tony Farina: Marcus slowly walks to the ring he looks very confident, he gets in the ring and waits on his two oppoenets. "One" by Metallica is playing now....hmmm...seems to me Slash isnt coming out a ref from the back just came out he is talking to the main ref in the ring, now the main ref is talking to the ring announcer.
Ring Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen may I please have your attention, I have been informed that Slash is not in the building and has been removed from this three way match tonight.
Bald Crumb: A big break for Mad Jungle Pig? I guess we shall wait and see.
Tony Farina: Well here comes Mad Jungle Pig wearing his UWF Americas Title belt proud! He gets in the ring and kicks Goldstein into the corner and goes to work pounding Goldstein into the corner the ref tries to break it up but gets hit in the process! The ref goes down and MJP takes advantage he rolls outside and goes under the ring he pulls out an ice cooler he brings it in the ring and opens it pulling out a frying pan? He just hit Goldstein over the head with it but there is no ref to count, MJP goes to revive the ref as Goldstein recovers he grabs a smaller frying pan and MJP turns around they both get hit by the frying pans both men our out cold!!! The ref slowly gets up and makes a ten is up he grabs Goldstein but Marcus rolls up!!! MJP gets up and runs over Marcus with a big clothesline! He crushes Marcus with a big splash knocking all of the wind out of Goldstein he makes a gets his foot on the rope at the last second. MJP picks up Goldstein and sets him up for a suplex but Goldstein gets out of it and he takes the big man over with a release german suplex, both men struggle to get back up by Goldstein is up first he chops MJP in the chest before hitting him with a jawbreaker he singals for the finish he picks up the big man and goes for a The Fall from Grace but MJP turns it into a inverted leg sweep, he gets back to his feet he picks up Goldstein and hits the Melt Down!!!! *Ding*Ding*Ding*
Tony Farina: Impressive win for Pig. It looks like the Americas Title will be staying around his waist for a while.
Bald Crumb: Well Mad Jungle Pig ended up getting the win but barely! Goldstein has a bright future in the UWF if he keeps the ref's pockets full of money!
Tony Farina: Are you saying he will pay off the ref's?
Bald Crumb: Maybe
Tony Farina: He probably already paid off you!
Bald Crumb: Ummm...
Tony Farina: Ok, finally we are at the main event of the evening! Thats right its Blood Angel vs Dub in a non title bout.
Bald Crumb: This place just got dark, through the crowd comes Blood Angel carrying a chair he is in the ring and he and the ref argue over the chair.
Tony Farina: He has no business bringing the chair into the ring.
Dub: I want to Rock N Roll All Night! And Party everyday! I WANT TO ROCK N ROLL ALL NIGHT! AND PARTY EVERYDAY!
Tony Farina: I hope the World Champ doesnt quit his day job and move on to a singing job he really stinks, anyways he is making his way out to the ring. Dub gets into the ring and sizes up this oppoenet. The bell sounds and the two men lock up, Dub pushes Blood Angel into the corner and hits him acrossed the chest with a stiff chop. He pulls Angel out of the corner and locks on a front face lock into a brainbuster he goes to the top rope and goes for a frog splash but Angel gets his knees in the way. Dub holds his stomach in pain as Angel gets up and takes over he kicks Dub back down to the mat and hits a senton to Dub' midsection. He pulls Dub up by the hair and hits a ddt out of nowhere he rolls on top of reverses the by Angel both men get to there feet and Angel takes down Dub with a big dropkick sending him to the outside. Angel goes onto the apron and waits for Dub to get to his feet. Dub gets up and turns around right into a plancha by Blood Angel knocking the back of Dub's skull right into the steel railing. Blood Angel picks up Dub and draps him over the railing and goes up to the apron again he jumps off with a leg drop but Dub moves and Angel lands on the railing. Dub goes up to the apron now and dives off and hits a verison of the Dubinator. He grabs ahold of Angel's hair and throws him into the ring. He dropkicks Angel then hits a corkscrew legdrop. He makes a cover hooking the by Blood Angel. He picks up Angel again and nails a T-Bone Suplex right on his neck he makes the!!!! Angel looks out cold Dub picks him up and bodyslams him in the middle of the ring he goes to the top and hits a shooting star press!! by Blood Angel!!!! Dub pulls Angel to his feet and whips him into the ropes he goes for a leap frog by Blood Angel catches him and plants him with a sidewalk slam! He hooks Dub's!!! Blood Angel picks up Dub and puts him in a fireman's carry into a flapjack! by Blood Angel!
Bald Crumb: Here comes The Messiah down to the ring, he is bandaged up pretty good what does he wanted from this match?
Tony Farina: Messiah has a chair and he is sitting in the middle of this aisle way. Anyways back to the action at hand. Blood Angel with a brutal piledriver on Dub! He doesnt go for a pin instead he pulls Dub into the corner and sets him up top he climbs to the top and goes for a top rope verison of Saguinius Kiss, but Messiah just got up and onto the apron he just nailed Blood Angel with a chair knocking him off of the top through a table to the outside!!!! The ref is calling for the bell Dq'ing Dub. Dub is not done he is still up done and he just hit a stardust press to the outside!!!
Bald Crumb: My god!! Messiah stomps away at Blood Angel now as Dub gets his UWF World title and leaves the arena.
Tony Farina: We are out of time folks! See you Wednesday night in Los Angeles!
fades to black)