Sunday, February 14th, 1999
from the Fleet Center in Boston, Mass

Troy Farina: Hi everyone, this is Troy Farina and I'm accompanied by Bald Crumb and we're live for a Valentines addition for Sunday Senseless Violence.

Bald Crumb: Tonight we have four titles on the line and plenty of other great matches.

Troy: Lets stop talking and get right to the ring.

"Pay the Man" by Offspring plays and Chris Hasset makes his way to the ring.

"I Just Want You" by Ozzy brings Hamed to ringside.

Chris doesnt waste any time and attacks Hamed outside the ring knocking him to the ground...he grabs a chair and bashes Hamed in the back...the ref is outside screaming at both to get in the ring to start the match... Hamed has a chair now...he bashes Chris over the back of the looks as the ref has had enough...OH...Hamed just nailed the ref with the chair and he is out cold...Chris is up and Hamed goes to hit him again with the chair... No, Chris dropkicks the chair back into Hamed's face...Chris picks Hamed up to slam him...No, he dropped him over the metal railing...the bell hasnt even rang yet! Chris picks up Hamed...whips him toward the, Hamed reverses it and Chris nails the stairs hard...Hamed is on top of Chris nailing away...

Troy: Wait here comes Sweet Tooth down to the ring...What he has a metal trash can in his hands...He nails Hamed over the head with it...Hamed goes down...Sweet Tooth jams the trash can over Chris's head and body...oh dropkick...Sweet Tooth leaves the ring in complete laughter... The ref is up and ringing for the bell...this match is gonna be thrown out...But what was Sweet Tooth's reason for coming down?

Bald Crumb: I guess he was sick of these two Bozo's! Get it Bozo's, Sweet Tooth being a clown...HAHAHAHA! I crack myself up!

Troy: Yeah that's up we have Blackheart and Killer B...lets get to the ring for their intros...Bozos? Moron!

"Blind" by Korn plays and Killer B makes his way to the ring.

The Gongs begin to smash and it brings Blackheart to the ring.

The match is under way.......They lock up Killer B throws Blackheart off of him..he charges at Blackheart and hits a stiff knee to the face...he picks up Blackheart and executes a fisherman's buster into a by Blackheart...Killer B whips Blackheart into the ropes and spears him out of the ring...Killer B makes his way to the top rope and his a plancha to the outside on Blackheart he begins to nail Blackheart with rights to the forehead...he picks up Blackheart and throws him back in the ring he gets back up on the apron and shoulderblocks Blackheart in the stomach...he jumps over the top rope with a backslide he is trying to get Blackheart over but he cant and gets a punch in the face for his effort. Blackheart on the offense now he whips Killer B into the ropes and hits a spining heel kick he makes a picks up Killer B and drops him with a slam he springs off the ropes with a leg drop he makes a now hooks Killer B in a front face lock he lifts him for a suplex but turns it into a ddt...he runs and bounces off the ropes and hits a rolling senton splash he makes a by Killer B...Blackheart with another slam this time he climbs to the top and goes for a diving headbutt..he misses though as Killer B rolled out of the way...both men are down as the ref makes the ten B is up as well as Blackheart...Killer B nails a dropkick on the jaw of Blackheart he makes a B quickly picks Blackheart and goes for a small B stomps away at Blackheart on the mat he picks him up again and hits a!...Killer B is not happy....he scoop slams Blackheart and goes to the top rope he jumps off and nails "The Money Shot" he makes a DING....Time Limit ran out.

Bald Crumb: Well, another no winner...lets see if we can get one our next match.

"Refuse/Resist" by Sepultura plays and Blood Angel enters through the crowd and jumps into the ring with a chair in his hands.

The Gongs begin to play again and the other half of Psycho Ward, Dr. Chung makes his way to the ring.

The ref takes the chair from Blood Angel and places outside the ring and the ref rings the bell...Angel and Chung lock up...hip toss by Chung and Angel goes down...Angel looks shocked as he back to his feet...both men lock up again...arm drag takedown by Chung...Angel slaps the mat and get back up... both men go to tie up again...No, Angel with a kick to the midsection of a DDT...Angel is telling thats how its done...Angel lifts him and whips him into the corner...Angel follows him with a flying splash...Chung lands face first on the mat...Angel drops a leg drop to the back of the head... Angel lifts him back up...Angel slaps him in the respect to this rookie...goes for a suplex...No, small package by Chung...One, Two, kickout...Angel is up fast and begins to stomp on Chung...he lifts him and whips into the, Chung ducks and hits the ropes again...back with a cross body block...Cover...One, Two, kickout...Chung lifts him up...hard body slam...grabs Angel by the throat and lifts him to his feet...Chokeslam...Cover...One, Two, kickout...Chung is up and drops a vicious elbow on Angel...what he's going to the top rope...Angel is up...Angel and grabs him from behind before he gets to top rope...Sanguinius' Kiss...Cover...One, Two, Three!

Crumb: Blood Angel wins it!

Troy: Yeah the rookie has some to learn, but on Wedsnesday Chung and Blackheart have a tag team title match against The F'N Show, should be great.

Crumb: Blah, Blah, Blah. Next match, lets see some real talent Dream Cereal member Falkor.

"Orange Crush" by Green Jelly brings Dream Cereal member Falkor to the ring.

"Down" by 311 and Hexum makes his entrance.

The bell sounds and Falkor goes after Hexum. He kicks Hexum and whips him into the ropes and goes for a big boot but Hexum ducks it and ddt's Falkor...The big man quickly gets to his feet though only to be met by a low blow...Falkor is barely standing...Hexum pokes the big man in the eyes...he hooks him in a front face lock...he runs and hits the ropes and nails a acid drop on the big guy he makes the! Hexum just took out Falkor in record time. Just call him The Giant Killer from now on.

Troy: Hey what do you think of your Dream Cereal now Crumb.

Crumb: Fluke, next match.

"Do You Feel Me" by Men of Vision plays and Dawgfather comes down for his dedut.

"Walk" by Kilgore plays and brings out one half of the Tag Team Champions and member of Evolution X, Dante Burn out to the ring.

Bell rings and Dawgfather rushes Dante Burn...Dante leaps up and nails the Burninrana...Cover...One, kickout...Dante backs off and lets Dawgfather get to his feet...Dawgfather is a little more careful as he approaches Dante...the men lock up...reverse armbar by Dante reverses it on him...he wrenches it toward the roof...Dawgfather drops to his feet and executes a nice leg drag takedown...Dante is back up and shakes his head in approval with the rookie...both men face up...standing drop kick by Dante knocks Dawgfather down...Dawgfather slow to his feet... Dante grabs him...Xtreme Burn (Cobra Clutch Suplex)...Dawgfather goes down hard...Dante lifts him up...sets him up for a suplex...but him down with a visious spinning brainbuster...Cover...One, Two, kickout...Dante to the top rope...frogsplash...Dawgfather moves out of harms way and Dante hits hard... Dawgfather picks Dante up...spike piledriver...Cover...One, kickout by Dante...Dawgfather lifts him up...hard bodyslam to the mat...

Troy: Who's that coming to the kind of resembles Brett Mize, but we havent seen him Armageddon when EX walked off with him...

The man is climbing up the steel steps...Dawgfather runs over and leaps up to the second turnbuckle to confront the man...bad move Dante is up...both men continue to jaw words...Dante grabs Dawgfather on the second turnbuckle...reverse DDT from the second turnbucle...Cover...One, Two, Three!

Troy: Dante Burn wins it, but who is this guy? Dante is asking for the mic.

Crumb: Oh great here we go.

Dante Burn: First off Brett Mize is no more. I would like to introduce the world to the newest member of Evolution X, RA!

Crumb: Blah, Blah!

Troy: No matter what you think this is a major announcement. Lets get to the ring for a hardcore match.

Hawk is in the ring awaiting the start of the number one Hardcore Title Match.

"Bad Horsie" by Steve Vai brings Pale Rider to the ring.

Hawk and Pale Rider lock up, Pale Rider sends him into the corner and smacks Hawk with a sweet knife edge chop and another...he brings him out of the corner and locks on a front face lock and executes a snap suplex he makes a by Hawk. Rider pulls Hawk up by the hair and kicks him in the cut and chops him back down to the mat..he drops a knee to the face of Hawk....Rider picks up Hawk again this time whipping him into the ropes and hitting a brutal clothesline...Rider then tosses Hawk to the outside he quickly follows him out there and grabs a chair...he waits for Hawk to turn around and swings the chair but Hawk blocks it and kicks Rider in the stomach...He takes the chair away and hits Rider over the back with it...Hawk drops the chair and goes for a table...he sets it up in the ring and throws Rider back into the ring and sets him up on top of the table...Hawk climbs to the top rope...Rider playing possem gets off the table and meets Hawk on the top rope he hooks him and drops him through the table with a fisherman's buster...he makes a by Hawk! Here comes CWolvie down to ringside he has a tire iron! He is on the apron and whacks Hawk over the head knocking him out...Rider looks confused but makes a isnt finished yet he has the ring bell he sneaks in the ring behind Pale Rider and waffles him on the backside of his head he is out cold....CWolvie just laughs as he walks away.

Crumb: Doesnt matter how he won, but Pale Rider finally gets his Hardcore Title shot this Wednesday against CWolvie if he can hang on to the title tonight.

Troy: Congrats Pale Rider, next up is the right to be the only Klown in UWF and also the National Title is on the line.

"Clown" by Korn brings the challenger Klown to the ring.

"Boggy Woggy Woo" by ICP plays and the National Title Champion Sweet Tooth makes his way to the ring.

Sweet Tooth attacks Klown before the bell sounds and stomps a mud hole in Klown in the corner...but Klown pushes his way out and knocks Sweet Tooth down with a clothesline...He makes a early by Sweet Tooth...Klown picks up Sweet Tooth and executes a neckbreaker he makes another by Sweet Tooth...Klown pulls Sweet Tooth to his feet and kicks him in the stomach and hits the ropes and takes him down with a shoulder block...he picks up Sweet Tooth again and hits a inverted face buster he makes a by Sweet Tooth...Klown signals for the end...he picks up Sweet Tooth in a suplex but turns it into a neckbreaker this one is by Sweet Tooth...Klown is beside himself now...he picks up Sweet Tooth but Sweet Tooth counters into a by Klown....Klown even more pissed now stomps away at the head of Sweet Tooth before he could get up...he rolls to the outside and grabs the UWF National Title he swings at Sweet Tooth but misses....Sweet Tooth with a kick to the stomach making Klown drop the belt and he ddt's him on the belt!....Sweet Tooth rolls on top of Klown and makes a by Klown! Sweet Tooth now up he kicks Klown in the stomach and hits a powerbomb he makes a by Klown....Sweet Tooth reaches to the outside and grabs his seltzer bottle he hides it from the ref and squrits it in the eyes of Klown...he is in alot of pain...Sweet Tooth tosses the bottle to the outside he makes a cover hooking the!

Crumb: Two Clowns, One Clown still too many. But I guess Sweet Tooth is has claim to being the only Bozo in UWF.

Troy: You mean Clown and that Clown, Sweet Tooth is still UWF National Champion.

Crumb: Lets go to our Hardcore Title Match.

"Fever" by Garth Brooks begins to play and through the curtain walks Frank James he makes his way to ringside and waits on his opponent.

"Dragula" by Rob Zombie plays and out walks the UWF Hardcore Champ CWolvie rolls under the bottom rope.

Right off the bat he is met by boots to the back of the head and a dropkick to the head sending the champ to the outside..James to the outside as well throws CWolvie into the steel steps....He finds himself a chair and he hammers CWolvie over the head with it bending the chair to hell....James now with a suplex onto the guardrail....James grabs the chair again and smacks CWolvie once again knocking him into the crowd....James jumps into CWolvies lap but CWolvie moves and lands on the fans...CWolvie hops the rail and grabs the chair smashing it over the head of James...He walks to the back and leaves through the curtain....James rolls back into the ringing looking for CWolvie now but he is not to be seen..out of the back comes CWolvie with a trash can full of goodies he throws it in the ring and goes to work on James he grabs a broom and slams it into the back of James breaking it in half....he gets a cookie sheet and smacks James over the head busting him wide open.....CWolvie dumps the rest of the weapons out of the trash can and ddt's James onto the trash can bending it to hell...CWolvie gets a gutiar and goes to the top...he jumps off and hits James over the head with the gutiar sending James to the mat crying in pain...CWolvie makes a by James. CWolvie with a frying pan now he swings at the bloodt James but misses and is met with a swift kick in the nuts and down he goes in great pain...James wipes the blood from his face and finds another cookie sheet he slams it into the back of CWolvie and then again this time to the face...James now with the end of the broom stick and he jabs it into the throat off CWolvie..he takes the bent up trash can and lays it in the center of the ring and goes for a inverted leg sweep but CWolvie counters it with a leg sweep onto the trash can he makes a!

Troy: CWolvie escapes with his Title!

Crumb: Enough that match is history. Next up with have the Dream Cereal leader Special K.

"One" by Metallica brings the challenger Slash to the ring.

"Fly for a White Guy" by Offspring plays and leader of Dream Cereal and the Americas Champion makes his way slowy towards the ring.

Special K gives his title to the ref...who shows it to Slash...Slash rips it out of the ref's hands and smashes it over K's head...the ref takes the title and hands it to the timekeeper and signals for the bell and we're under way...but Slash already started where is stomping Slash into the ground...picks K up and whips him into the ropes...Slash flattens him with a reverse elbow... Slash hits the ropes...rolling senton splash...Slash whips K into the corner...tip up by Special K...K from behind...German Suplex...One, Two, kickout...K picks him back up...running power slam...Cover...One, Two, kickout by Slash...K picks him up whips him into the ropes...dropkick and Slash goes rolling outside the ring...K is out after him...K with the whip...Slash hits the guardrail...K over to Slash...Slash with the should toss which sends K into the crowd...Slash over the guardrail...nails K's head into a chair at ringside...Slash tosses K back over the guardrail and now into the ring...Slash now whips K into the ropes...K with a nice go behind...kick to the midsection by K...DDT...Cover...One, Two, kickout...K lifts him up...high vertical suplex...hold him up...brings him down hard...K picks up Slash...No, Slash goes down stairs and K falls to his knees...Slash over and lifts him up...piledriver...Slash is going for the Texas Cloverleaf...he calls it the Souled Out...Its just a matter of time before K gives up...Falkor is down to ringside and jumps on the ring apron and distracts the ref...Chris Jones is in the ring...Slash turns towards Chris...Chris with a kick to the midsection...goes for a Powerbomb...No, No, No! He just threw him out of the ring and throw the timekeepers table...

Crumb: What the Hell is that?

Troy: Thats "Walk" by Kilgore and here comes Dante Burn and RA...Dante into the ring and nails Chris Jones with the Xtreme Burn and tosses him out of the ring...K is hoppling to his feet...Crash n Burn by Dante Burn on K...RA is over to Falkor where he yanks him down off the ring apron and they start duking it out...Dante over to help Slash up and into the ring...

Crumb: This is ridiculus...this isnt fair!

Troy: It was fair until EX came out...Slash with a Cover...One, Two...

Crumb: NO, NO!!!

Troy: Kickout by Special K.

Crumb: Whooo!

Troy: Security is at ringside escorting the men backstage...back to the action.

Both men still out of steam...K is up first...grabs Slash for the pickup...Empty Bowl coming...No, Slash is fighting it off with hard rights...K falls back with Slash on top of him...Cover...One, Two, kickout by K...The fans are on their feet...Slash up trying to get a breather...K begins to get to his feet...Slash leaps onto the second rope...slingshot lariat...Cover...One, Two, kickout again...K wont give up...Slash looks fustrated and looks toward the top rope and makes his ascent...K is up and runs over to the ropes and hits the top rope...Slash falls and ends up stratled groin first over the top rope and falls down to the mat...K crawls over and makes the cover...One, Two, Slash foot is on the rope...What a match! K lifts him up and whips him into the ropes...K catches him in a sleeper...Slash is waving his arms frantically...Slash reaches up for K's head...jawbreaker...both men are down...the ref begins his count...he gets to seven before K gets to his feet...he walks over to Slash...lifts him...Wait small package by Slash...One, Two, Three!

Troy: Oh my god, Oh my god...Slash did it! He won he is the new Americas Champion!

Crumb: No, No, K's shoulder was up! It was up!

Troy: No matter the ref counted to Three and its final. Dante Burn is back out...he reaches his hand out to Slash...Slash shakes it! Does this mean we have a new EX member?

Crumb: Who cares dont we have a World Title Match now?

Troy: Yup, lets get for it and hope Chaostic has enough let from Wednesday to defend his title.

"Walk" by Kilgore plays and the challenger and one half of the tag team champions, Dub makes his way to the ring.

"Faith" by Limp Biskit bring the Newly Crowned UWF World Champion Chaostic to the ring.

Choastic being cocky in the ring by taunting Dub... Dub takes no exceptions as he seeks to return the belt to EX and he takes the early advantage as the ref signals for the bell... Totally suprised at the attack Dub has brought to the match... Choastic underestimated Dub, as he executes a perfect DDT!!! Dub climbing the ropes, nails a flying drop kick which kocks the UWF champ to the outside... Chaostic yelling at the ref as he tries to take a breather... Dub really wants his hands on Choastic DELIVERS A SPRINGBOARD MOONSULT!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!! BOTH MEN ARE DOWN, No movement from both beings... The ref restarts his count... 1...2...3...4...5...6 Choastic starts to crawl his way back into the ring, as Dub isn't that far behind... Chaostic dazed locks up with Dub…Arm Bar by Choastic... Dub counters off the ropes... Leap Frog by Dub and then quicklys falls to the ground Dub off the opposite ropes, Flying LARIATE!!!! Choastic rolls to the outside, as he wants to take a different approach to the match...Choastic lures Dub to the outside, and is met with steel... Choastic, Irish Whips Dub to the Guardrails!!!!! Dub yells in pain... Choastic throws Dub back into the ring and starts to work on the small little back... A thunderous pedulum back breaker!!! Choastic sets up Dub on the top rope for a superplex! Dub rams him with an elbow! Now from the top rope, Dub with a moonsault!!! But he's not through with Chaostic yet... Dub quickly leaps back on the top ropes, and CROSSBODY!!! into the pin ...1...2 NO!!!! Kick out... This match has been going non-stop and...oh! It spills out of the ring again! Choastic whips Dub into the guard rail! Now he tries to ram his head into the metal steps...reversted! Choastic gets his head bounced off the hard steel and both roll back under the bottom rope! Dub sees an oppertunity and runs off the ropes, Hurricanrana!!!! Say goodbye to that SPINE! Dub rocks Choastic with a nasty ATOMIC Drop... Dub off the ropes, Flying forearm!!!! Choastic out of his league tonite... Forget about it!!! Choastic ties up Dub in the ropes and he's using him like a human punching bag! Oh NO! DUB connects with a solid kick to the groin! OUCH! OH MY GOD!!!! WHAT'S THIS!!!! Special K makes his way down to ringside... Dub notices Special K but doesn't lose sight of the match... Dub, with an irish whip to the corner... Reversed by Choastic! Reversed by Dub... JEEZ... Choastic Crunchs the Ref... Special K quickly climbs into the ring, and start working on Dubs legs... Choastic joins the attack as Special K delivers a chop to the back of the comes Dante to ringside and he is followed by security...Dante is in the ring...K and Chaostic pounce on him immediately...Security is in and breaks it up...they are escorting Special K and Dante backstage and the ref has the men in the ring seems he is going to continue the match...he signals for the bell and there it is...Dub is hobbling...Chaostic goes right for the knee with a dropkick to the knee...Chaostic begins to stomp on Dub's leg...grabs the leg...figure four leg lock...Dub is screaming in pain...he wont quit, but he is way to far from the ropes...he reaches up for Chaostic but he is to far away...wait Dub turns it over and reverses the pressure...Chaostic grabs the ropes and the ref seperates the two...Chaostic is over to Dub and lifts him to his feet..turns him around...belly to back suplex...Chaostic lifts Dub looks Chaostic is ready to finish him...he picks Dub up and places him up on the top rope and climbs up himself...he want The Dropoff...Headbutt by Dub and another...Chaostic falls down...a fan just tossed Dub a chair while his up on the top rope...What? Thats no fan that's Bleeding Romeo, the former UWF World Champion...Dub tosses Chaostic the chair and he catches it...Dubnaitor of the tope rope! Dubnaitor of the tope rope! Dub drags himself over to Chaostic...Cover...One, Two, Three!

Troy: We have a New World Champion! After all the hard work and dedication to the sport, DUB finally becomes a World Champion!

Crumb: This show just worse and worse!

Troy: What are you talking about this was one of the best cards ever!

Crumb: What, No...

Troy: Sorry Crumb we're outta time for Bald Crumb and myself, Troy Farina we will see at Wednesday Armageddon and remember the Batlle Cup starts next Sunday! Goodbye and Goodnight from UWF!

Crumb: No I'm not done...

(Camera fades to black)