February 17, 1999
from the Spectrum in Philadelphia, Pennslyvania

Troy Farina: Hi everyone, this is Troy Farina and I'm accompanied by Bald Crumb and we're live the city of Brotherly Love for a Wednesday Armageddon.

Bald Crumb: Tonight will be Triple Threat Mayhem with three, count them, thre triple threat matches.

Troy: Lets stop talking and get right to the ring. Hawk is in the ring awaiting Falkor.

"Orange Crush" by Green Jelly plays.

Troy: No Falkor? Where is he?

Crumb: I heard rumors but please dont make it true.

Troy: Hawk is making the ref count him out...there's the bell and the count begins...1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10! Hawk wins it via Countout sice Falkor no showed. The ref raises Hawk's hand in victory, but who's that coming from the crowd. He just nailed Hawk from behind...lifts Hawk up...Powerbomb!

Crumb: Thats Mad Jungle Pig, he just signed with UWF and it looks like he has his eyes out for Hawk!

Troy: Yes he does. Lets get to our next match.

"Master of Puppets" plays and Dream Cereal member Chris Jones makes his way to the ring.

"311" bring the new crowned Giant Killer Hexum to the ring.

He rolls under the bottom rope and ducks a boot by Jones he springs off the ropes and hits a bulldog he makes a cover but is pushed off to the outside, Hexum not slowing down gets on the apron and slingshots onto Jones with a crossbody block. He goes to the top rope and waits on Jones to get up…he nails him with a big dropkick….he doesn't fall though…..Hexum with a lowblow and hits a version of the Acid Drop he makes a cover….one….two…..three.

Crumb: Hexum is on a roll and chalks up another victory. This momentum may carry him far in the tourney.

Troy: Next up we get to witness to new member of EX RA.

"Living Danger" by Rob Zombie bring Evolution X member RA to the ring.

"Do You Feel Me" by Men of Vision plays and Dawgfather comes down to the ring.

The bell sounds and Dawgfather tests RA to a test of strength...bad mistake as RA puts Dawgfather to his knees...Dawgfather releases...thumb to the eye of RA...Dawgfather lifts RA up and slams him back to the ground...Dawgfather seems to be getting a little cocky as he steps on the stomach of RA...but RA takes his legs out from under him...RA is on top of him right away and begins to slam his head into the mat...RA picks Dawgfather up...spinebuster...RA seems to have had enough of Dawgfather...picks him up...Death Valley Driver...Cover...One, Two, Three! RA wins!

Troy: Impressive debut for RA!

Crumb: Yaddie Ya. Next up we have the Newcombers Triple Threat Match.

All the combants, Lone Wolf, Kerre Leisey and Mark Olsen are in the ring and ready for action.

Wolf and Kerre quickly double team Olsen and pound him into the corner...they exchange blows onto Olsen...double suplex...Cover...by Wolf...One, Two...Kerre rips Lone Wolf off of Olsen...the men begin to have words...now they begin to duke it out...Kerre gets the better of it and knocks Wolf to the ground with a hard upperhook...drops the leg across Wolf's neck...Olsen is up...grabs Kerre from behind...reverse DDT...it looks Olsen is going to try to end this match fast...set him up... Powerbomb...Cover...One, Two, Wolf with the save...but Olsen isnt stunned...he picks up Wolf...high suplex and Wolf comes down hard...Olsen back over Kerre...picks him up for a suplex...Wolf comes flying over and clotheslines Olsen from behind knocking all three men out of the ring...Wolf and Kerre are up first and begin to duke it out outside the ring...Olsen crawls away from the action to get a breather...the ref is outside the ring trying to get the two men back in the ring...

Troy: Wait here comes Frank James to ringside and goes right towards Olsen...Quickdraw outside the ring...he picks up Olsen and rolls him into the ring.

Crumb: On the other side Wolf just whipped Kerre into the metal guardrail...he now notices Olsen flat on the mat in the ring and goes in...he trying to pick up Olsen but he body is to limp to lift...decides to go for the cover...One, Two, Three!

Troy: Lone Wolf wins the Newcomers Triple Threat...Lone Wolf is ready for UWF.

Crumb: Yeah if he has Frank's help each time.

Troy: Next up we have another Triple Threat Match for the National Title.

"I just want you" by Ozzy Osbourne begins to play and coming to the ring is King "Of Hardcores" Hamed he rolls under the bottom ropes and waits for his challengers.

"Pay the man" now plays and out of the back comes the second challenger "Mr. Intensity" Chris Hassert steps through the ropes.

He gets met by punches to the back of the head by Hamed. He whips Hassert into the ropes and hits a spinning leg lariat on Hassert sending him to the outside. Hassert quickly rolls back in the ring and cheap shots Hamed and pounds him into the corner with right hands to the jaw. Hassert picks Hamed up and hits a textbook suplex he makes a cover…one…two..kickout by Hamed.

"Boggy Woggy Woo" by ICP plays and out of the back comes the UWF National Champion Sweet Tooth rushes into the ring.

He clotheslines Hassert over the top to the outside he gets on the top and hits a plancha to the outside on top of Hassert. Hamed back on his feet now with a running corkscrew plancha to the outside nailing both men. Hamed rolls in the ring and plays to the crowd. Hassert and Sweet Tooth keep on brawling on the outside. Hamed gets a chair and throws it from inside the ring at Sweet Tooth bashing him in the head. Hassert rolls Sweet Tooth to the inside and Hamed and Hassert put the boots to the champion. Hamed tells Hassert to hold up Sweet Tooth so he can hit him, Hassert holds up Sweet Tooth but he ducks and Hassert gets a mouth full of fist from Hamed. Sweet Tooth now on his feet he runs over Hamed with a clothesline. He dropkicks the face of Hassert who was trying to get up. He picks up Hamed now and whips him into the ropes and leap frogs over him he catches him on the other side with a powerslam…one…two…Hassert with the save….Sweet Tooth kicks Hassert into the corner and works away with stiff right hands….Hamed is up and is in the opposite corner getting a breather…Hassert decks Sweet Tooth knock him down onto his hands and knees….Hamed sees this and uses Sweet Tooth for a springboard and hits Hassert with a huricanrana…he makes a pin…one….two….thr….Sweet Tooth with the save…Hamed kicks Sweet Tooth in the midsection and hits a rocker drop he makes a cover….one…two…..thr…kickout by the champ….Hamed runs the ropes and attempts to the clothesline both Hassert and Sweet Tooth over the top but they duck and sends him flying face first into the railing….Hassert and Sweet Tooth in the ring now Sweet Tooth with a kick to the stomach followed up by a knee lift he drops an elbow and makes a cover….one….two….kickout by Hassert….Sweet Tooth calling for his finisher…he whips Hassert into the ropes and hits the Clown Drop he makes a cover….one..two…thr….kickout by Hassert…Hamed is on the apron now he springs into the ring for a dropkick but is caught and nailed with a powerbomb by Sweet Tooth…..Sweet Tooth back on Hassert now he whips him into the ropes again and goes for a second Clown Drop but Hassert reverse it and hits a powerbomb of his own he makes a cover…one…two…thre….Hamed with the save he kicks away at Hassert sending him into the corner he dives into the ropes for a splash but misses and Hassert catches him out of the corner with a german suplex…one….two….kickout by Hamed….Sweet Tooth up now is met with a superkick by Hassert he makes a cover…..one….two…thr….kickout by Sweet Tooth….looks like Hassert is calling for the end to come…..he sets up Sweet Tooth and nails "Lethal Injection" he makes a cover….one….two…Hamed tried to save him but hits Sweet Tooth instead….Hassert makes the pin again….one…two….three!

Troy: We have a new UWF National Title Champion. And he is Chris Hasset!!!

Crumb: I must say a bit of a shocker, but he more than deserved it.

Troy: Next up we have our third installment of Triple Threat Mayhem as the TV Title is on the line.

"Refuse/Resist" by Sepultura plays and out from the crowd with a chair comes Blood Angel he sits on the chair.

"Du Hast" by Rammstein plays and out comes Executioner comes rushing to the ring he is met by a wicked chair shot to the head by Blood Angel, here comes the champ Matt MacDonald to the ring walking slowly laughing at the two men fighting it out. Blood Angel still with the chair has just bashed Executioners skull in he looks to be out cold….Blood Angel drops the chair and laughs at Executioner….Matt comes from behind and nails a inverted ddt he makes a cover…..one….two…kickout by Angel. Matt picks up Angel and powerslams him on top of Executioner he makes a cover…..one…two….kickout by Angel again…Matt tosses Angel off of Executioner and makes the pin on him….one…two….thre….save by Angel….Blood Angel now whips Matt into the corner and he runs in with a clothesline only to get hit in the chops with a boot…Matt with a clothesline to the back of the head on Angel he rolls him over and makes the cover…..one….two….thr…kickout again by Angel…..Executioner is moving now he has the chair and cracks Angel's skull wide open knocking him to the outside he turns around and is set-up for the Golden Arch….Matt picks him up and nails him he makes a cover….one….two…..three

Crumb: Matt retains the Television Title Match.

Troy: After a short layoff Matt comes him in with a full head of steam and takes back his TV Title, which was stolen by Blood Angel.

Crumb: But next we have my man Special K, the Dream Cereal leader. Remember Special K has to win to be entered into Battle Cup '99

The gongs begin to bang as Blackheart makes his way to the ring.

"Fly for a White Guy" brings the former UWF Americas Champion and leader of Dream Cereal to the ring, Special K.

Oh wait....before the bell Frank James is in the ring...Special K just got in Frank's face...Frank just pulled a gun on K...everyone hits the ground except K...Frank fires it...its a cap gun and confetti comes up...K grabs his chest in relief...but James just grabbed him...snap DDT...James hits the high road and returns backstage... the ref is asking K, who is down in the corner if he wants medical help...K just tells him to ring the bell...which the ref does...Blackheart is over like a shart on blood stomping K deeper into the corner...Blackheart signals towards K...broncobuster...K shouldnt of continue the match, but if didnt he wouldnt be in the Battle Cup... Blackheart lifts K to his feet...snap suplex...Cover...One, Two, kickout by K...K fights to his feet...Blackheart leaps up...huricanrana...no, Special K turns it into the running Empty Bowl...Cover...One, Two, Three...Special K wins!

Crumb: Yes, Special K wins and advances into Battle Cup '99

Troy: Yup he does. Next up we have a Hardcore Match for the Hardcore Title.

"Bad Horsie" By Steve Vai leads Pale Rider to the ring he sits back in the corner and waits on the champ.

"Dragula" by Rob Zombie plays and out comes the UWF Hardcore Champ Cwolvie rolls in the ring.

He quickly clotheslines Rider to the outside he picks him up and slams him into the railing……he again clotheslines Rider this time over the railing into the crowd he takes a chair from a fan and smashes it into the face of Rider…he picks him up and carries him to the backstage area he finds a table and lays Rider on it he also gets a ladder and climbs to the top he dives off but Rider moves out of the way Cwolvie goes crashing through the table…he looks out cold…Rider now with a chair and he bashes away at the fallen Cwolvie…he picks up Cwolvie and suplexs him on the hard cold floor….he pushes the ladder on top of Cwolvie…..Rider drags Cwolvie into the bathroom and shoves him into a urinal flushing his face in it….he then bangs Cwolvie faces into the tiled wall….Rider exits the stall looking for something he returns with a mop only to get hit by the stall door busting his nose open…Cwolvie drags Rider out of the bathroom and takes him outside the arena…he throws Rider down the steps he walks down to the bottom and uses the railing to climb on but Rider dives into Cwolvies leg making him fall on his nuts….Rider and Cwolvie both out of it…Rider is amazingly up first he drags Cwolvie into the parking lot he picks up Cwolvie and throws him on top of a hood he hits a piledrive on top of the cars hood he makes a pin….one..two…thre….kickout by Cwolvie! Rider goes for it again but this time he gets tossed onto another car after a backbody drop from Cwolvie…..Cwolvie some how standing dragging Rider back towards the arena…Rider pushes Cwolvie down and falls backwards out of nowhere a car pulls up and there is Bleeding Romeo he picks up Rider and nails the Crying Soul on the concreate he pulls Cwolvie on top of him the ref counts….one…two….three…..Romeo with a smile on his face gets back in his car and drives off.

Troy: Wow! Does this mean Romeo is protecting CWolvie? He must reeally want that title bad.

Crumb: I guess so, but next up we have the Tag Team Titles on the line.

Gongs begin to play as Blackheart and Dr.Chung make there way down to ringside for this UWF Tag Team Title bout.

"Walk" by Kilgore plays and out comes the UWF World Tag Team Champs The F'N Show.

They hit the ring with fury….Dante goes to work on Dr. Chung as Dub sends Blackheart to the outside with a clothesline…Dub and Dante now double team Dr. Chung they whips him into the ropes and hit a version of 3-D . Dante picks up Dr. Chung and locks on a cobra clutch into a suplex….Dub dives off the top and hits a frog splash he makes a cover….one…two..Dub pulls up Dr. Chung….Blackheart back in the ring Dante comes over and hits a Burncanrana….Dub with a sweet belly-to-belly suplex on Dr. Chung….he slams him down to the mat as Dante makes his way to the top and nails the 540 off the top he makes a cover….one….two…Dante pulls Dr. Chung up this time he gives Dub a signal…Dub to the outside he gets a chair and makes his way to the top and waits on Blackheart…..Dante puts Dr. Chung up on the top he goes up with him and nails Crash 'N Burn on Dr. Chung….Blackheart is up and is meet with The Dubniator they both men there opponents the ref counts……one…..two…..three!

Troy: Chalk up another victory for EX as The F'N Show retain the tag straps.

Crumb: Whats up next?

Troy: Our Main Event as EX's own Slash defends his Americas Title against Killer B.

"Blind" by Korn plays and out of the back comes the challenger Killer B he circles the ring and rolls under the bottom rope.

"One" by Metallica begins to play which brings out the UWF Americas Champion Slash he leaps into the ring and circles the challenger.

The bell sounds and they lock up….Killer B pushes Slash into the corner and hits a knife-edge chop..Slash no sells it and throws Killer B into the corner and hits two chops to the chest. Slash picks up Killer B and plants him on the ropes he climbs the ropes and meets Killer B at the top he sets him up in a front face lock and nails a top rope ddt he makes a cover….one….two….kickout by Killer B….Slash picks up Killer B and whips him into the ropes he goes for a clothesline but Killer B ducks and hits a dropkick he picks up Slash and scoop slams him to the mat…..he goes to the top rope and goes for "Flyin Brain" but Slash moves out of the way he rolls up Killer B …one….two…kickout by Killer B…Slash picks him up again and punches him into the ropes he bounces off the ropes towards Slash who hits him with a spinebuster he rolls him up and makes a cover…..one….two….kickout…..Slash pulls Killer B up to his feet and hits a russian leg sweep he makes another cover…..one…two….kickout…..Slash calling for his finisher……He picks up Killer B and hits the Jacknife Powerbomb and now turns Killer B over in the Cloverleaf he is reaching for the ropes he can't take the pain anymore he taps out.

Crumb: Slash wins it and retains the Americas Title!

Troy: Well for Bald Crumb and myself, Troy Farina this was UWF's Armageddon and we will see you at Senseless Violence where the BATTLE CUP begins.

(Camera fades to black)